Not an average winter in Syria

Published: Jan 17, 2020 Reading time: 1 minute

How eight years of war make the coldest months that much harder to survive.

Not an average winter in Syria
© Photo: People in Need

A winter in northern Syria today is not an average winter in Syria. After more than 8 years of debilitating war, people have grown less and less able to cope with the cold and the extra hardships it brings.

An average winter in Syria is already harsh. Some parts of the country can be extremely cold, with temperatures dropping to 0 degrees Celsius in winter. Rain is frequent—sometimes even snow. It’s bitterly cold outdoors, but also indoors, because of poor insulation and a lack of heating systems at home.

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Today, with an ongoing conflict that is intensifying specially in the north, prices skyrocketing, salaries lower than ever and people’s health already deteriorating after years of scarcity… the coldest months are increasingly difficult and families struggle to buy fuel and clothes to cope with low temperatures. It is in many ways the last straw.

Watch this pageflow to understand how we are providing humanitarian aid during winter to people in north Syria with funds from EU humanitarian aid.

If You want to help with us, you can make a donation HERE

Author: Omar Khattab and Nina Tramullas

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