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Rethinking the EU’s ODA Investments in Nutrition: Catalyzing Transformative Change

Generation Nutrition

A decade ago, the European Union and its Member States demonstrated leadership by developing a solid policy framework1 for the Union’s international cooperation promoting nutrition security...

Delivering on Our Global Refugee Forum Pledges in 2024

At the Global Refugee Forum in December 2023, People in Need pledged to support the provision of education for refugee children through alignment with multi-stakeholder pledges on Education in...

LISEC: Green Jobs in the Leather Sector

People in Need

LISEC: Green Jobs in the Leather Sector - The Project in Numbers

CHANGE: Improving Access to Education to Most Marginalised Girls in Ethiopia (Learnings)

People in Need

Between 2018 and 2023 the CHANGE project was implemented under the Girls’ Education Challenge in four regions across Ethiopia (Amhara, Oromia, SNNPR and Afar) to improve the life chances of...

Strengthening capacities of selected town water utilities in Ethiopia 2023–2025

People in Need

PIN had its presence at a 3-day conference focusing on Water Loss  in Basque city of San Sebastian taking place between April 14-17,2024. Organized by IWA Water Loss Specialist Group (WLSG) it...

CHANGE: Improving Access to Education to Most Marginalised Girls in Ethiopia (Impact)

People in Need

Between 2018 and 2023 the CHANGE project was implemented under the Girls’ Education Challenge in four regions across Ethiopia (Amhara, Oromia, SNNPR and Afar) to improve the life chances of...

CHANGE: Improving Access to Education to Most Marginalised Girls in Ethiopia (Success Stories)

People in Need

Between 2018 and 2023 the CHANGE project was implemented under the Girls’ Education Challenge in four regions across Ethiopia (Amhara, Oromia, SNNPR and Afar) to improve the life chances of...

Zambia Newsletter #1

We are very excited to launch our first PIN Zambia Newsletter! Every issue will give you a glimpse of what we have been working on in Zambia, some stories from the communities we work with and some...

Etika klimatické změny

Autor: Lukasz Krzywon (Green-Schools Ireland), český překlad Iva Vávrová pro Člověk v tísni, o. p. s.

Nechte se inspirovat materiálem využívajícím přístup Filosofie pro děti ke zkoumání témat spojených etickou a hodnotovou rovinou témat klimatické změny. Příručka pochází z dílny...

35 způsobů, jak pomoci truchlícímu dítěti / 35 способів як допомогти дитині у скорботі

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