Vzdělávání v humanitárních krizích

Publikováno: 5. 1. 2024 Doba čtení: 1 minuta
Vzdělávání v humanitárních krizích
© Foto: Tereza Hronova, Hassina Ousman

People in Need (PIN) started its first Education in Emergencies (EiE) response in 2013 in Syria and currently has expanded to include EiE programming in 8 country contexts across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. PIN works in low- and middle-income countries, with a particular focus on children affected by crises and living in active conflict, protracted crises and early recovery contexts. Through our programming PIN aims to ensure that girls and boys are safe, well and learning within a supportive environment.

In order to provide the best possible support to the children, educators, caregivers and communities we work with, PIN prioritises close and meaningful partnerships with national and local authorities, national non-governmental organisations and civil society. PIN strongly believes that quality of programming also requires active engagement with national and global coordination mechanisms and networks.

PIN’s Relief and Development Department (RDD) programming is framed around three guiding pillars (Emergency Response and Recovery, Climate Resilience, Civil Society and Inclusive Governance). Education is an integral component that cuts across all three pillars, making it a key strategic sector for PIN. Below you will find PIN's Education in Emergencies' programming in conflict-affected countries, as part of PIN's Emergency Response and Recovery Pillar.

Autor: People in Need

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